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Single Family Home in Kamaoa Haven Subdivision - Kau Hawaii
Beautiful property 3-acre parcel, the house was recently painted Kamehameha Royal Blue. It's a permitted Hicks Model Home, single-walled, 1ft x 6ft tongue and grove cedar,/pine, new roof. The interior floors are hardwood oak. Ceiling fans in every room. COUNTY WATER and power. Upgrade electrical from 100 amps to 200amps. 7 hardwired Lenox security cameras. New cement driveway and parking area. Lots of fruit trees; banana, lime, Ka'u Orange, coconut, papaya, and 2 different types of avocados. Deep soil, fenced-in front and gated and also a second gate with road access to the back. There is approximately 1 acre in front developed, 2 acres are cleared (needs mowing) and can be planted or fenced in for animals with few cows or goats. An agri shed could be built at the back of the property. There is an ocean view and rock wall at the back.
The living area is 1,172 sq ft. The main house has 3 bedrooms and 1 and a half baths.
Attached to the house is a large carport with 2 additional storage rooms. The garage has an enclosed outdoor shower and toilet for the sandy beach goers. At the back of the house, there is a covered patio lanai with views of the yard with planted fruit trees. The lanai is perfect for morning sunrise coffee quiet time. The storage rooms are single level, easy access. This house is a great Ohana home that is comfortable with room to expand, plant, and enjoy the South Point beauty every day. Sunrise, Sunsets, the family will love it here! Good neighbors. There's fishing, beautiful Green Sands beach, and gorgeous coastline vistas to hike. Go to the point and watch the whales when in season. Feel the openness and freedom of this special spot as you drive to the point. On a full moon, the ocean and the stars will be an experience to enjoy.
94-2044 South Point Rd Naalehu 96772 is listed Courtesy of Ka'u Realty Llc
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