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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Sale includes both TMK# 3-9-2-175-29 and 3-9-2-175-30. Total of 2 Acres.
*SOLD AS IS*??Fixer Upper.
Both parcels are accessible via a single driveway thoughtfully lined with lava rock walls, succulents, Ohia and Koa trees, and more!
The 1 Acre corner lot consists of 2 structures, 2 water catchment pads, and a greenhouse:
- A 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom home with a living room, kitchen, lanai (deck)
- A detached studio with a lanai and built-in shelving.
- Two water catchment pads with catchments that need TLC.
- A greenhouse with a variety of pots and gardening tools.
The 1 Acre Adjacent Lot consists of multiple structures:
- A 1-bedroom studio with a front deck and natural lava rock walls on both sides.
- A detached kitchen, dining area, and shower room with a back deck that holds a storage closet.
- An outhouse.
- A water catchment tank next to a storage closet to hold the water pump, filter, hot water heater, and water pressure tank.
- A top viewing deck with ocean views holds a large and small storage shed that leads you to a staircase to access the corner lot.
- In the driveway, there is a large propane gas tank, storage shed with a one-sided deck to access a storage closet.
- A chain-link fence enclosure for pets or more storage.
These two side-by-side parcels offer countless possibilities, whether you're seeking a multi-family living space, a serene escape, or an artistic or horticulture retreat.??
Improvements were made without permits. No running water or electric. Corner lot was powered by Solar and adjacent lot was powered by both Solar and Generator.
Please note that the information herein may contain inaccuracies and is provided without a warranty or guarantee of any kind. Agents and Buyers must independently verify any information they deem material or important to their purchase or any offered price thereunder.
92-9097 Trade Wind Blvd Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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