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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Majestic single story custom built home with an attached ohana. This LARGE home offers 2,400sf of living space situated at the perfect elevation to enjoy a panoramic view of the Ka'u Coastline!! The property is beautifully landscaped with an assortment of tropical flowers, with a lava rock wall & gated entry. An oversized garage & plenty of parking around the property for family/friends or business vehicles.
Upon entering this magnificent home you are taken aback by the expansive open feel. Every bedroom in the home offers its own bathroom. The Primary Suite overlooks a lanai through French Doors, offers a mirrored double closet a granite vanity with double sinks & a walk in shower. The second bedroom overlooks the front garden, & has a walk-in tile shower & granite vanity.Separate laundry room is spacious with lots of storage. Newer front load washer/dryer.
Gourmet LARGE dream kitchen offers 3 custom islands and solid granite countertops. Cobalt blue lights over the bar, which has a built-in wine rack. Lots of cabinet space, built-in double wall oven, gas range & SS appliances. The recessed lighting really makes the kitchen stand out for any kitchen chef.
The Ohana Suite (3rd bedroom) is a separate wing, attached to the home. It is self sufficient with a kitchenette, refrigerator, & its own bathroom with walk-in tile shower. Is currently in use as an owner hosted rental & for private guests. This one acre property is terraced & has been manicured with many tropical plants. The lanai offer plenty of room for seating & has a hot tub for those cool evenings.
An above ground POOL is on the lower terraced level behind the home to jump in on those hot days and enjoy the view! Additionally there is a 3rd terraced level at the far back of the property which could be used for parking or even building! Come see this Tropical Oasis with Ocean Views with Endless Possibilities!
92-8943 King Kamehameha Blvd Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of The Land Office, Llc
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