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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
This custom-built home has outstanding
workmanship throughout and shows pride of ownership. Private setting at and elevation of approx: 2400 add to the comfort level. Many other features which include:
Rock wall with gated entry
Bamboo laminate wood floors, and tile in bathrooms.
Newer appliance package.
Newer interior can lighting and fixtures throughout.
Newer interior and exterior paint.
Newer 10,000-gallon catchment cleaning and liner. ( With 1st flush system )
Complete with 3 cold water filters and 2 hot water filters.
Fully owned PV system with 10 panels tied to Helco grid. ( still under warranty )
Large laundry room with broom closets and sink.
Heater hookup with thru wall interior blower vents for both back bedrooms.
Larger than usual bedroom and closet sizes. Master walk in, space savers also.
Home is also insulated top and bottom.
10,000 gallon water catchment system with newer liner double caped.
State of the art first flush system which filters water prior enrty to tank.
40' container for storage.
Possible chicken coops.
Large pet pen of your choice.
4 under the house lighted enclosed work shops. Approx: 10x10
Various fruit trees.
6 Hard wired motion lights exterior, and 4 solar lights.
10 solar panels on old grid, owned not leased ( still under warranty ) Just checked out
2 totes of approx: 270 gallons hooked up for garden water.
10 water spigots throughout yard.
And more !!!
92-8673 Tiki Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Real Estate Connection, Llc
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