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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
This property has plenty of curb appeal. The charming, custom-made home on 2 acres is on a quiet cul-de-sac about midway in the subdivision, together with an additional Cottage.
The gated driveway is surrounded by trees and flowers and leads to the well-kept home.
The comfortable and furnished home features a warm Interior with high-beamed wooden ceilings and an open floor concept. The tiled entry leads to the kitchen, with updated appliances, and to the dining area. Great Ocean and Sunset Views can be enjoyed from the spacious, covered lanai w/ Gas / charcoal BBQ grill included. Exterior walls are made from Redwood and Cedar, sanded and refinished w/UV sealant.
Future expansion of this home is possible on the ocean side of this home. Large workshop area downstairs with lots of storage and a Whirlpool front load washer, small chest freezer plus water heater. Lorex security system w/camera, Simply Safe security system with subscription, back-up power for security system/internet are Solar panels, inverter, batteries, Fiberoptic internet connection.
Outdoor hot tub/jacuzzi amidst mature trees, coffee and many other tropical fruit trees, such as Avocado, Lemon, Mango and more. Colorful flowers are everywhere to brighten your day.
Behind the house is a 16,000 gallons water tank, a separate pump house, with a new well pump and an installed septic tank. An additional storage shed is towards the back of the property.
The separate detached 16 x 20 Cottage is currently occupied, has it's own washing machine and it's own Fiberoptic Internet (Hawaii Telcom), with a separate line and account. The attractive cottage is privately located and was completely remodeled in 2024.
92-8575 Bamboo Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Ka'u Realty Llc
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