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Vacant Land in Hove - Kau Hawaii
This lot in Hawaiian Ocean View Estates is a 1.0010 acre lot in Ocean View that has a lot to offer. Incredible views, lush Ohia trees scattered throughout and a cooler location make this a desirable place to build your off-grid dream home using solar and/or wind power, but there is the possibility to get access to the power poles through HELCO. Possible views of the coastline and ocean make this a great space for those looking to build their next home in paradise but prefer the private and quiet that only country living can offer. The lushness of the Ohia trees on this property is something seldom found in HOVE, it offers you the chance to surround yourself with native trees but it?s not to much that it?s hard to manage the yard work. Lava Zone 2, Flood Zone X.
Ocean View is home to several shopping centers offering services such as, gas, groceries, post office, restaurants, hardware, vet clinic, salon and more. Just over an hour's drive away is Kailua-Kona which has an international airport and most major services. While Hilo is about 2 hours drive in the other direction. Many beaches nearby including the famous South point cliffs, Punalu'u Black Sand beach, and Green sand beach. You will also find some hiking trails only a 10 min drive from HOVE, like Kahuku Park and Manuka Park. This lot is worth a look come and down to the south end of big island and see what we have to offer here.
92-8429 Koa Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of The Land Office, Llc
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