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Multi-Family in Paauilo Homesteads 2Nd Series - Hamakua Hawaii
THIS HOME/PROPERTY IS MOVE-IN READY! An Extended Home Warranty AND General Inspection Report dated 4.1.24 is provided. Plumbing and electrical was updated in 2023!
The tropical landscape and ohia forest of the lush Hamakua Coast provides the backdrop for this easily accessed 5-acre property featuring a charming 5-bedroom, two ¾ bath home, attached 1-bedroom, 3/4 bath ohana, enclosed carport, and a new 1920 sq. ft. steel structure perfect for use as a barn, agriculture building, workshop or warehouse!
The main residence, redesigned in true country charm with updated plumbing and electrical in 2023, boasts a newly renovated kitchen: acacia live-edge counter tops, pebble backsplash, pipe and plank open shelves, newer appliances, and spacious pantry. The downstairs features a light and airy dining area with ocean view, large family room with vaulted ceiling, 3 bedrooms and 4th bedroom/office option, plus 3/4 bathroom with walk/wheel-in shower! The second level includes a spacious living room, bedroom and 3/4 bath.
Adding to the versatility of this property is the 665 sq ft attached 1-bedroom, 3/4 bath ohana with dual entries and kitchenette. Ideal for extended family, caregiver, or rental income!
ATTENTION HORSE ENTHUSIASTS. Fenced and cross-fenced, lush grazing year-round and the newly constructed steel building gives you a head start on an amazing barn! Also ideal for goats, sheep, even a few cattle. Bring your chickens to enjoy the chicken coop! Additional permitted outbuildings too!
FARMING? Utilize the enormous 1,920 sq. ft. structure as an AG center and storage of farm equipment, a warehouse or small business with great income potential!
With an ocean view, mature landscape, county water and power, plus paved road access, this sprawling property successfully merges the tranquility of rural living with city amenities close by.
43-2030 Pohakea Mauka Rd Paauilo 96776 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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