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Nicole Choi moved from Korea to Hawaii in 1969, where she attended the University of Hawaii. Always ambitious, she got her real estate license in 1981 and set out to learn everything she possibly could about the Hawaii real estate market. In 1988, she joined the team at Prudential Locations, now Locations LLC. Nicole received her Broker’s license in 1990 and became an Associate Partner in 1999. She then served as a Contract Supervisor and through her hard work and dedication to her clients, became a Partner in 2003. She also went on to receive many accolades, including being recognized as the No. 1 agent from Prudential Locations in 2008 and 2010.
Nicole enjoys the incredible support system that has been created at Locations LLC to serve hard-working agents like her. As a result, she is able to offer her clients exceptional service and round-the-clock assistance. Her growing clientele has been built from strong referrals, serving as a true testament to her professionalism and dedication.
My Philosopy:
“I work hard for my clients and I think they really appreciate that. It is my goal to always surpass my clients’ expectations. I apply my 38 years of experience and expertise to provide the attention, personal service and accessibility my clients deserve. I want to earn your business for life so I do my best for each client, no matter what the specific needs might be – from a first home to a luxury estate. My clients can expect nothing short of the best from me.”
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