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Single Family Home in Royal Kunia - Waipahu Oahu
Furnished Royal Kunia 3/2.5 bath home invites you to experience the beauty of life with stunning ocean views that dance across your horizon. The backyard lanai opens into a fully fenced, beautifully landscaped yard, perfect for gatherings; peaceful moments under the sun. The Koi fish pond shimmers under the warm sun, each Koi dancing gracefully with vibrant swirls of orange, yellow, and white in a captivating ballet that ignites a sense of joy and wonder. Home is furnished to host friends and loved ones in your open-plan kitchen, adorned with stainless steel appliances, elegant granite countertops, and a generous pantry—all designed for creating cherished memories together. Inside, the charming plantation shutters filter sunlight, while the warmth of luxury vinyl plank flooring downstairs and the serene bamboo flooring upstairs create an inviting atmosphere throughout. Bedrooms feature split AC units, ensuring blissful comfort on hot summer nights drifting to sleep. Home isn't just a place; its personal slice of paradise, every corner whispers tranquility and warmth. Don’t let this opportunity slip away and begin your next chapter in this enchanting retreat!
94-1141 Kapehu Street Waipahu 96797 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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