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Single Family Home in Kiolakaa - Nukakaia - Kau Hawaii
Hoku Loa Farm is a nearly 2-acre property located in a serene setting, in the Ka'u district on the Big Island. Two separate (unpermitted) dwellings provide multiple living options for a new owner.
The 480 sf cabin has 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, living room and eat in kitchen. The living room has large windows allowing the trade breezes to flow inside. A sliding door that opens onto the 12x16-foot deck with views of the ocean and of the picturesque Waiohinu hills, as well as the irrigated orchard. The kitchen has Spanish tile behind the stovetop and a ceramic farm style sink wrapped in mahogany. Teakwood countertops, floor to ceiling shelves for use as pantry or extra storage. The bathroom with residential toilet and shower has bamboo paneled walls and bamboo trimmed window, also has a teak vanity top. The bedroom has room for a king bed, and also has a closet and shelves. Flooring has not been installed, so the floors are painted subfloor.
The other dwelling is a solid stainless steel Roberts Hawaii tour bus that has been converted into a tiny home (240 sf). Large windows throughout let in the trade winds and the views and lots of light. The bedroom with a queen bed and Tommy Bahama armoire used as a closet is in the rear while the bathroom with a residential toilet, shower and sink with vanity and a vintage cabinet for storage is in the middle. The kitchenette with granite countertops and living area are in the front. There is a 22x12 foot covered deck which extends the living space. Both dwellings come furnished.
The whole property has Public County water! Having county water in this area adds value to this agricultural property. Both units have their own robust solar systems to provide electricity. Mature fruit trees abound with 4 avo varieties, citrus, starfruit, olive, and many other tropical plants.
There is currently a tenant renting the bus.
This listing is a fractional or "partial interest" sale. 8 acre parcel with 25% interest conveyed.
94-6332 Puka St A Naalehu 96772 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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